Developer Documentation
Platform Overview
API Services
Overview Accounts Accounts: Associations Accounts: Metadata Accounts: Profile Appstore: Users Broker Distributions Broker Tours Consumers Consumers: Linked Agents Contacts Contacts: Activity Contacts: Export Contacts: Tags Contacts: Portal Accounts Developers: Identities Developers: Keys Developers: Authorizations Developers: Billing Summary Developers: Change History Developers: Domains Developers: News Feed Webhooks Developers: Roles Developers: Syndications Developers: Templates Developers: Usage Detail Developers: Usage Summary Devices Flexmls: Email Links Flexmls: Listing Meta Origins Flexmls: Listing Meta Translations Flexmls: Listing Meta Field List Translations Flexmls: Listing Reports Flexmls: Mapping Layers Flexmls: Mapping Shapegen IDX IDX Links Listing Carts Listing Carts: Portal/VOW Carts Incomplete Listings Incomplete Listings: Documents Incomplete Listings: Documents Metadata Incomplete Listings: Document Uploads Incomplete Listings: Floor Plans Incomplete Listings: Floor Plans Metadata Incomplete Listings: Floor Plan Uploads Incomplete Listings: FloPlans Incomplete Listings: Photos Incomplete Listings: Photos Metadata Incomplete Listings: Photo Uploads Incomplete Listings: Rooms Incomplete Listings: Tickets Incomplete Listings: Units Incomplete Listings: Videos Incomplete Listings: Videos Metadata Incomplete Listings: Virtual Tours Incomplete Listings: Virtual Tours Metadata Listings Listings: Clusters Listings: Documents Listings: Documents Metadata Listings: Document Uploads Listings: Floor Plans Listings: Floor Plans Metadata Listings: Floor Plan Uploads Listings: FloPlans Listings: Historical Listings: History Listings: Notes Listings: Search Parameters Listings: Open Houses Listings: Photos Listings: Photos Metadata Listings: Photo Uploads Listings: Rental Calendar Listings: Rooms Listings: Rules Listings: Tour of Homes Listings: Tickets Listings: Units Listings: Validation Listings: Videos Listings: Videos Metadata Listings: Virtual Tours Listings: Virtual Tours Metadata Listing Meta: Custom Fields Listing Meta: Custom Field Groups Listing Meta: Field Order Listing Meta: Field Relations Listing Meta: Property Types Listing Meta: Rooms Listing Meta: Standard Fields Listing Meta: Units Registered Listings Market Statistics News Feed News Feed: Curation News Feed: Events News Feed: Metadata News Feed: Restrictions News Feed: Schedule News Feed: Settings News Feed: Templates Open Houses Overlays Overlays: Geometries Portals Preferences Saved Searches Saved Searches: Provided Saved Searches: Restrictions Saved Searches: Tags Search Templates: Quick Searches Search Templates: Views Search Templates: Sorts Shared Links System Info System Info: Languages System Info: Search Templates
Supporting Documentation
Terms of Use

FBS Privacy Policy

FBS considers all the data submitted to our web sites private and will not use that data for any purpose other than as described below.

  1. MLS Data and Media. MLS information includes all information about listings, including photos and other media, as well as the members of the MLS and contact information related to those members and offices. All MLS information is owned by the MLS (not FBS) and is only disclosed as allowed by MLS rules and FBS’s contract with the MLS.
  2. Web Logs. The FBS web servers collect logs of visits and that data is used by FBS for analytical purposes by FBS on our own behalf and for our MLS customers to understand general traffic patterns and also for customer support, trouble shooting and security monitoring purposes. FBS does not disclose log information to third parties except as required by law.
  3. Cookies. Some FBS web sites store cookies on your computer for authentication, session management and to help improve your experience with our web sites. We do not disclose any information collected or stored in cookies to third parties except as required by law.
  4. The FBS Blog. The FBS Blog collects name, email and IP address from those who post comments. FBS only uses that information to moderate comments and will not disclose it to any other person for any other purpose except as required by law.
  5. Amendments. FBS may amend this privacy policy from time to time and so we encourage you to periodically review it.