404 |
404 |
Not found |
405 |
405 |
Method not allowed |
1000 |
401 |
Invalid API key and/or request signed improperly |
1005 |
500 |
Your API key has not been properly set up. Please contact API support. |
1010 |
401 |
API key is disabled |
1013 |
403 |
The auth mechanism used for this request is not permitted for the provided key |
1015 |
403 |
The user associated with this API key either cannot be identified, is set as inactive, or has their Flexmls system access turned off. |
1017 |
405 |
You are restricted to read-only access. POST, PUT, and DELETE requests are forbidden. |
1018 |
405 |
You are forbidden from accessing this resource with the method attempted |
1019 |
403 |
This key is restricted to specific IP addresses and/or User-Agent values |
1020 |
401 |
Session token has expired |
1021 |
403 |
This key is restricted from accessing this endpoint. Please use replication.sparkapi.com |
1023 |
503 |
The user's account is not yet available in Spark. |
1024 |
503 |
The requested data is not yet in sync with its source system. |
1026 |
500 |
An unexpected problem was encountered with the requested data. |
1030 |
403 |
SSL required for this type of request |
1035 |
400 |
POST data not supplied as valid JSON. Issued if the "Content-Type" header is not "application/json" and/or if the POST data is not in valid JSON format |
1040 |
400 |
The _filter syntax was invalid or a specified field to search on does not exist.
Response will include the SparkQLErrors attribute.
1041 |
400 |
(Message varies) The _filter syntax is valid but exceeds restrictions on filter or argument length
Response will include the SparkQLErrors attribute.
1050 |
400 |
(Message varies) A required parameter for the request was not provided |
1053 |
400 |
(Message varies) A parameter was provided but does not adhere to constraints |
1055 |
409 |
(Message varies) Issued when a write is requested that will conflict with existing data. For instance, adding a new contact with an e-mail that already exists |
1060 |
400 |
(Message varies) A Validation field did not match existing data |
1061 |
400 |
(Message varies) Attempt to reuse previous data when prohibited |
1100 |
403 |
This resource cannot be accessed until a Portal account is created for the specified contact |
1110 |
409 |
A portal already exists for this contact |
1500 |
403 |
The resource is not available at the current API key's service level. For example, this error applies if a user attempts to access the IDX Links API via a non-IDX API key. |
1505 |
403 |
(Message varies) This resource, or a component of this resource, is disabled for the current user's MLS. This is usually temporary, such as during a gradual rollout of a feature. |
1510 |
503 |
The API is temporarily unavailable. |
1515 |
503 |
Your request took too long to process and has therefore been cancelled. |
1516 |
503 |
Your request took too long to process and was cancelled due to the _filter or _orderby parameter you provided. |
1550 |
429 |
Over rate limit |
2000 |
400 |
Codes 2000-2999 are reserved for value-specific errors in the _filter parameter. These are not syntax errors, but instead errors specific to the valid field present in the parameter.
Responses will include the SparkQLErrors attribute.
2001 |
400 |
The SavedSearch specified does not exist or is not available to the current user. |
2002 |
400 |
The EmailLink specified does not exist or is not available to the current user. |
2003 |
400 |
The SharedListings id specified does not exist or does not contain listings. |
2005 |
503 |
The provided _filter references data that has not yet been migrated to Spark. |
2500 |
400 |
The search you are attempting to subscribe to does not meet the search criteria restrictions. |
2505 |
409 |
The current user is already subscribed to this saved search. |
3000 |
400 |
The RESO data dictionary version you requested is not supported. |