Developer Documentation
Platform Overview
API Services
Overview Accounts Accounts: Associations Accounts: Metadata Accounts: Profile Appstore: Users Broker Distributions Broker Tours Consumers Consumers: Linked Agents Contacts Contacts: Activity Contacts: Export Contacts: Tags Contacts: Portal Accounts Developers: Identities Developers: Keys Developers: Authorizations Developers: Billing Summary Developers: Change History Developers: Domains Developers: News Feed Webhooks Developers: Roles Developers: Syndications Developers: Templates Developers: Usage Detail Developers: Usage Summary Devices Flexmls: Email Links Flexmls: Listing Meta Origins Flexmls: Listing Meta Translations Flexmls: Listing Meta Field List Translations Flexmls: Listing Reports Flexmls: Mapping Layers Flexmls: Mapping Shapegen IDX IDX Links Listing Carts Listing Carts: Portal/VOW Carts Incomplete Listings Incomplete Listings: Documents Incomplete Listings: Documents Metadata Incomplete Listings: Document Uploads Incomplete Listings: Floor Plans Incomplete Listings: Floor Plans Metadata Incomplete Listings: Floor Plan Uploads Incomplete Listings: FloPlans Incomplete Listings: Photos Incomplete Listings: Photos Metadata Incomplete Listings: Photo Uploads Incomplete Listings: Rooms Incomplete Listings: Tickets Incomplete Listings: Units Incomplete Listings: Videos Incomplete Listings: Videos Metadata Incomplete Listings: Virtual Tours Incomplete Listings: Virtual Tours Metadata Listings Listings: Clusters Listings: Documents Listings: Documents Metadata Listings: Document Uploads Listings: Floor Plans Listings: Floor Plans Metadata Listings: Floor Plan Uploads Listings: FloPlans Listings: Historical Listings: History Listings: Notes Listings: Search Parameters Listings: Open Houses Listings: Photos Listings: Photos Metadata Listings: Photo Uploads Listings: Rental Calendar Listings: Rooms Listings: Rules Listings: Tour of Homes Listings: Tickets Listings: Units Listings: Validation Listings: Videos Listings: Videos Metadata Listings: Virtual Tours Listings: Virtual Tours Metadata Listing Meta: Custom Fields Listing Meta: Custom Field Groups Listing Meta: Field Order Listing Meta: Field Relations Listing Meta: Property Types Listing Meta: Rooms Listing Meta: Standard Fields Listing Meta: Units Registered Listings Market Statistics News Feed News Feed: Curation News Feed: Events News Feed: Metadata News Feed: Restrictions News Feed: Schedule News Feed: Settings News Feed: Templates Open Houses Overlays Overlays: Geometries Portals Preferences Saved Searches Saved Searches: Provided Saved Searches: Restrictions Saved Searches: Tags Search Templates: Quick Searches Search Templates: Views Search Templates: Sorts Shared Links System Info System Info: Languages System Info: Search Templates
Supporting Documentation
Terms of Use

Listings: History

  1. Supported Roles
  2. Available Services
    1. Listing History
  3. Listing History Description
  4. Expansions

Supported Roles

Role Reads Writes Notes
IDX Yes No
Public Yes No
VOW Yes No
Portal Yes No
Private Yes No Only private roles see full listing history information. All other roles access a condensed set of data, and may be completely restricted from access by the MLS.

More information about roles may be found here.


Available Services

Listing History

/<API Version>/listings/<Listing.Id>/history

HTTP Method Description Conditional Notes
GET Returns the full history for the listing. No
POST Returns HTTP 405 (Method Not Allowed) No Not implemented
PUT Returns HTTP 405 (Method Not Allowed) No Not implemented
DELETE Returns HTTP 405 (Method Not Allowed) No Not implemented

GET Request


Parameter Required Notes
Pagination No

GET Response

    "D": {
        "Results": [
                "ChangedBy": {
                    "Id": "20110112234857732941000000",
                    "ResourceUri": "/v1/accounts/20110112234857732941000000",
                    "UserType": "Member",
                    "Name": "Joe Realtor",
                    "OfficeId": "20100113238853732842000000",
                    "Office": "Joe's Realty",
                    "CompanyId": null,
                    "Company": null,
                    "FbsIdxCustomer": false,
                    "MlsId": "20100127075503180752000000"
                    "PrimaryEmail": {
                      "Id": "20120424173947957808000000",
                      "Name": "Office E-Mail",
                      "Primary": true,
                      "Type": "Office",
                      "Address": ""
                    "PrimaryPhone": {
                      "Id": "20120424173948048729000000",
                      "Name": "Office Phone",
                      "Primary": true,
                      "Type": "Office",
                      "Number": "555-555-555",
                      "InternationalCode": nil,
                      "AreaCode": "555",
                      "Prefix": "555",
                      "LineNumber": "5555",
                      "Extension": nil
                    "PrimaryWebsite": {
                      "Id": "20120424173948178569000000",
                      "Name": "Office Web Site",
                      "Primary": true,
                      "Uri": "",
                      "Type": "Office"
                    "Images": [
                            "Id": "20110426173018175220000000",
                            "Type": "Photo",
                            "Name": "My Photo",
                            "Uri": ""
                            "Id": "20080426173011752890000000",
                            "Type": "Logo",
                            "Name": "My Logo",
                            "Uri": ""
                "Group": null,
                "Domain": null,
                "NewValue": "Main List #1",
                "Event": "Photo",
                "Field": null,
                "PreviousValue": null,
                "PriceAtEvent": 100000.0,
                "PriceChange": null,
                "Listing": {
                  "Id": "20160225211938590559000000",
                  "StandardFields": {
                    "ListingId": "16-1"
                "ModificationTimestamp": "2012-03-06T16:28:42Z"
                "ChangedBy": {
                    "Id": "20110112234857732941000000",
                    "ResourceUri": "/v1/accounts/20110112234857732941000000",
                    "UserType": "Member",
                    "Name": "Joe Realtor",
                    "OfficeId": "20100113238853732842000000",
                    "Office": "Joe's Realty",
                    "CompanyId": null,
                    "Company": null,
                    "FbsIdxCustomer": false,
                    "MlsId": "20100127075503180752000000"
                    "PrimaryEmail": {
                      "Id": "20120424173947957808000000",
                      "Name": "Office E-Mail",
                      "Primary": true,
                      "Type": "Office",
                      "Address": ""
                    "PrimaryPhone": {
                      "Id": "20120424173948048729000000",
                      "Name": "Office Phone",
                      "Primary": true,
                      "Type": "Office",
                      "Number": "555-555-555",
                      "InternationalCode": nil,
                      "AreaCode": "555",
                      "Prefix": "555",
                      "LineNumber": "5555",
                      "Extension": nil
                    "PrimaryWebsite": {
                      "Id": "20120424173948178569000000",
                      "Name": "Office Web Site",
                      "Primary": true,
                      "Uri": "",
                      "Type": "Office"
                    "Images": [
                            "Id": "20110426173018175220000000",
                            "Type": "Photo",
                            "Name": "My Photo",
                            "Uri": ""
                            "Id": "20080426173011752890000000",
                            "Type": "Logo",
                            "Name": "My Logo",
                            "Uri": ""
                "Group": null,
                "Domain": null,
                "NewValue": null,
                "Event": "NewListing",
                "Action": null,
                "Field": null,
                "PreviousValue": null,
                "PriceAtEvent": 100000.0,
                "PriceChange": null,
                "Listing": {
                  "Id": "20150125213438589559000000",
                  "StandardFields": {
                    "ListingId": "15-100"
                "ModificationTimestamp": "2007-06-26T15:55:50Z"
        "Success": true

Listing History Description

Attribute Data Type Description
Event Character The history event type. See the table below for a description of the various event types.
Action Character The type of action that took place for the Event's. See the table below for a description of the various action types. Not all events will have a corresponding action.
Domain Character The type of listing field. Either StandardFields or CustomFields.
Group Character The unique group field identifier for the custom field. null if the history event was not an operation on a standard or custom field.
Field Character The standard or custom field that was changed, if any.
Listing.Id Character The Id of the listing the history event is for.
Listing.StandardFields.ListingId Character The ListingId (MLS #) of the listing the history event is for.
PreviousValue Character The original data value, before the change occurred.
NewValue Character The new data value.
PriceAtEvent Decimal The listing price at the time the history event occurred.
PriceChange Decimal The decimal percentage the listing price changed, if the price was modified.
ModificationTimestamp Timestamp The date and time when the history event occurred.
MlsId Character The user's MLS Id
ChangedBy Accounts A list of user accounts linked to each user.

Event Types

Type Description
BackOnMarket A special status change event where a listing goes from an off market status to 'Active'.
CopyListing Records when a new listing is copied from another existing listing.
Document Tracks when a document was uploaded, modified, or removed.
Extension A special date-change event where the ExpirationDate is pushed out into the future.
FieldChange A generic event referencing any time a standard or custom field was modified.
Geocode Geocode events track when a listing's lat/lon coordinates are updated with a geocoder.
ListingApproval History events that center around submitting a listing for approval, rejecting a listing, and approving a listing.
NewListing Records when a listing is first entered into the system.
OpenHouse Tracks when an open house event was added or modified.
Photo Tracks when a photo was uploaded, modified, or removed.
Supplement Tracks when a supplement was added or modified.
TextChange A generic event that occurs any time a feature field is updated in flexmls. These rarely have associated field data.
TourOfHomes Tracks when an tour of homes event was added or modified.
VirtualTour Tracks when a virtual tour was uploaded, modified, or removed.

Action Types

Type Description Example
Added A new record was added to the system. A listing photo was uploaded.
Approved A record in moderation was approved. An unapproved listing was approved by MLS staff.
Copied A record was copied from another piece of data. Identifying information will often be present in PreviousValue. Photos were copied from another listing.
Edited An existing record was modified. A document associated with a listing was modified.
Manual When the option for automation is available, an end user opted instead to manually enter data. A listing was manually geocoded when an end user explicitly referenced its location on a map.
Pended A record entered moderation, or is pending some other action. A listing is awaiting approval.
Primary Another record is now considered "primary" in a collection of data. The listing's primary photo now references a new photo.
Rejected A record in moderation was rejected. A listing awaiting review was rejected.
Reset Data was reset to default values. A listing's geocode data was reset.
Removed A record was deleted. A virtual tour was removed from a listing.
Resubmitted A record previously in moderation has re-entered moderation. A rejected listing was modified and resubmitted for review.
Rotated A photo was rotated.
Watermarked A photo was watermarked.

History Restrictions

Some events are restricted depending on MLS settings, the current user viewing the listing, and the data role of the API key accessing the history data. However, non-private role keys (as well as private role keys for certain MLSs) only see a limited set of the above events.

These events are:


